
. Windows Server 2012 Standard 2 CPU (Support 64 CPU RAM 4 Tera Free 2)License Virtual machine) (27000 Bath)

2. Windows Server 2012 Datacenter  2 CPU (Unlimit Virtual Support 64 CPU RAM 10 Tera Free 2) (150000 Bath)

3. Windows Server 2012 essential support 25 user with share file (15000 Bath) small business

4. foundation is OEM support 15 user

Install Windows Server 2012 Datacenter-> Next Finish

windows server 2012 display

-Dash Board or server manager

-Metro Style click windows button


when u install windows server finished rename mycomputer

Server01 & Server02

fix IP &

check arp -a in server01

Windows Server 2012 have Basic Firewall & advance firewall

disable basic firewall server01 cmd : netsh firewall set opmode disable

ping server & return name cmd : ping -a




By admin

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