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Hey are you a web Developer or a Web Designer, if yes then this Jquery plugins can be useful to you.  Here is the list of top ten jquery plugins and api’s tointegrate your website. Checkout the list of Top 10 Jquery Websites.

  1. Turn.js

Turn.js a jquery plugin that will make your web page content looks like amagazine or a ebook. You can feel like you are reading original book on web. This Jquery plugin is also useful to online book sellers and also e-commerce store owners. You can also create a book shelf using this jquery plugin and put books on that shelf and click it and read it. It will be awesome experience.

magazine like website using jquery plugin

2.  Dynamic Grid Layout Jquery Plugin

Want to make your website look a like Here is the solutionBlocksit.js. this plugin is also known as Dynamic grid layout jquery plugin. Blockit.js jquery plugin will reposition html elements using css absolute solution property and this jquery capable of calculate top and left positions for element based  on certain criteria.


3. Page scroller

Page Scroller jquery plugin used to create scroll path for content on web page. Jquery scroll path plugin uses canvas flavoured syntax to create arcs and lineson a web page. Here you can see a quick demo of it.


4.  Percentage Loader

Hey want to make your progress bar more interactive then this jquery will help you to create beautiful progress bar.  You can also load multiple percentage loaders simultaneously. You can also use this percentage loader as a controllerlike in iphone. Here you can see the demo.


5.  Noty.js

Noty, A Jquery Plugin that is used to create alert, confirmation, error, warning, success and information type messages. Using this plugin you can createawesome alert boxes. It’s best feature is you can put this alert boxes on any direction of web browser window like you can put it to centre left, centre right, centre, top left, top centre etc. you can also customize text, animation, button and speed.


6.  Ideal Forms

Bored with the old html elements validations? Want to create awesome jquery validations then you can try this Ideal form jquery plugin. You can validate textbox, radiobuttons, dropdownlists, checkboxes and file upload controls using this plugin. Ideal Forms are used to build and validate HTML  forms. You can checkout the demo here.

validate html elements using jquery

7.  Ajax Paypal Cart

Ajax Paypal cart a shopping cart developed using jquery and ajax. It’s main feature that it supports paypal integration.  This jquery plugin is very useful to developers who want to develop shopping carts. This plugin also providesthemes and it can be customizable using cascading stylesheets.


8.  Flippy Effect

Want to filp the box on your web page this jquery plugin can be useful for that. Using This plugin you can flip any html element. You can also change it’s direction, speed of flip, depth. This Plugin is easy to integrate and cross browser compatible.


9.  Reveal Modal Plugin

This plugin is used to Display the popup interactively. Don’t worry  this Jquery Plugin is Easy to Implement and also it is cross browser compatible. You can edit and change the css to make more beautiful modal popup. You can see the instruction on their website and attach it and make your site more beautiful.

modal-popup-jquery-plugin10.  FitText

Fit the Text on web page as per resolution of the screen. It only used for large texts that are uncomfortable with small screens. This Jquery plugin changes the font sizes as per the resolution of screen. So that you can see more mobile friendly, tablet friendly websites.


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