Visual Studio 2012 C#.NET Gridview connect to Oracle DB

1. download Oracle 11g  intall them (link Data Provider Oracle (ODAC) intall them (link

3. Config Service Naming

4. copy sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora then edit them

# Every line that begins with # is a comment line
# You can modify the entry below for your own database.

# sqlnet.ora Network Configuration File



# Every line that begins with # is a comment line
# Create Oracle net service names, or aliases, for each database server 
# you need to connect to.
# TNSNames.ora sample entry
# alias =
#    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
#      (SERVICE_NAME = orcl)
#    )
#  )
# You can modify the entry below for your own database.
# <data source alias> = Name to use in the connection string Data Source
# <hostname or IP> = name or IP of the database server machine
# <port> = database server machine port to use
# <database service name> = name of the database service on the server
#servicename จะติดตั้งกลับ oracle Net Manager จะตรงกัน
      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
      (SID = oraclessid)

5.Test Create Project Visual Studio Add WebForm and Create Gridview then Config Data source select Oracle Database (Oracle ODP.NET)


กรณี Data Source Name ไม่ขึ้นให้เลือก ให้เข้าไปที่ C:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\client_1\Network\Admin\Sample (ถ้าลงแบบปกติจะเป็นที่อยู่ตามนี้) ให้ทำการ Copy Files 1. sqlnet.ora 2. tnsnames.ora เอาไปวางด้านนอก folder Admin หลังจากนั้นทำการแก้ไขทั้งสองไฟล์ดังนี้

# Every line that begins with # is a comment line
# You can modify the entry below for your own database.

# sqlnet.ora Network Configuration File



# Every line that begins with # is a comment line
# Create Oracle net service names, or aliases, for each database server 
# you need to connect to.
# TNSNames.ora sample entry
# alias =
#    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
#      (SERVICE_NAME = orcl)
#    )
#  )
# You can modify the entry below for your own database.
# <data source alias> = Name to use in the connection string Data Source
# <hostname or IP> = name or IP of the database server machine
# <port> = database server machine port to use
# <database service name> = name of the database service on the server

ชื่อ datasource ที่จะใช้ =
      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = ไอพีเครื่องที่ลง Oracle DB)(PORT = 1521))
      (SID = ชื่อ SID ดูจากตัว Oracle Net Manager ที่ลงไว้)




6. If Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider.  It may not be installed. you must be change Web.config bellow


      <add name="Oracle Data Provider for .NET" invariant="Oracle.DataAccess.Client" description="Oracle Data Provider for .NET" type="Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleClientFactory, Oracle.DataAccess, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89b483f429c47342" />



By admin

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